Friday, April 30, 2010

People Will Always Dream and Put Those Dreams Into Songs

Lacking in the blog department merely because there hasn't been much to blog about. I did, however, want to talk about Pirate Radio/The Boat That Rocked, which I finally say the other day. I had wanted to see it when it was out in the theater, but sadly that never happened. Philip Seymour Hoffman leads as the only American amongst a group of British DJ's that go against the governments ban of playing rock n' roll on the radio. They are anchored off the coast of England where they broadcast. The antics are great, the casting superb and the music inspirational. I really enjoyed this film and recommend it to anyone, or at least anyone I know who likes these types of films.

Beside that, it dawned on me tonight that many shows are coming to a close for the summer. Most of which have about 3 or 2 episodes left. I plan on using this summer to catch up on a lot of things I've fallen behind on. Anime tops the list. I'll finish the last two seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, then pick up Doctor Who, Torchwood and maybe Angel. I'll also be looking forward to the summer theater since it looks to be a fun-filled three months.

That's all for now. Until next time...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekend Into Week Craziness

This past weekend was my birthday, which was nothing short of amazing plus awesome. My friends and family made it the best 4-day birthday ever. Yes, 4 days since I had things going on from April 15-18. Dinner cooked on my behalf on Thursday, April 15; dinner with the family at Fire & Ice on April 16; my actual birthday on the 17th which consisted of mini golf, dinner and drinks; ending all with another family dinner on the 18th. So when I say 4-day birthday, I mean 4 days.

I didn't get much writing in during those busy days, but I got some done. Today I got to write a little more, but tomorrow I'll be taking a day trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, which means I won't get a lot of writing done again. However, I will definitely do brainstorming and note taking on the ride there and back. Come Wednesday, I'll return to my usual schedule. While the past few days have been awesome, it is time to return to Develop. I'm almost to the halfway mark, which is great. Despite this draft being completely shitty, I am loving what I have down so far.

Still waiting to hear back from Alex Glass, who requested my full manuscript of Connect. Fingers crossed on that one because this guy has a great client list that I would love to be apart of. So cross those fingers and toes for me.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Which Crazy Writer Are You?

I love these kind of quizzes because I am always curious about who I'll get. Interestingly enough, I got Oscar Wilde! The Picture of Dorian Gray is in my top 3 list of favorite novels so I am very happy that I got him! Here's the link to my result, which also gives you the opportunity to take the quiz as well.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Never Judge A Book By Its Cover (It does help a lot, though)

While browsing through Barnes & Noble yesterday, I realized just how much book covers really draw me in. Here are some favorites that I saw while looking:

The first one, Torment, is the second book in a series I haven't read yet. Both this and the first cover immediately intrigue me because I'm a sucker for the Gothic and this chick screams it. I also love the black against the gray.

Jessica's Guide To Dating On The Dark Side drew me in for the fact that I have the same name and my friends said I could have written this. She's a vampire princess and has curly brown hair... Yeah, if there was one fictional character with whom I connect with, it's her. I love, love that you cannot see the guy's eyes; just his fangs.

The girl on the cover of Jenny Green's Killer Junior Year just looks so ready for revenge that I couldn't help but read the first few pages. I also think the bright blue (happy) background and the word killer appearing all bloody is so contradicting that it works so well.

Finally, The Devouring, which I read and...well, devoured, has three of my favorite things: purple, smoke and another gothy-looking girl. This cover really captures my attention because it looks so pretty, but you wonder just what is lurking beyond the pages.

There are so many other covers that I love, but these were just a few I wanted to share. I can guarantee I will post more in the future, probably even make a page out of it. Anyway, the only thing I haven't read in this group was Torment, but I plan to because I remember reading the plot to the first book, Fallen, and it sounds pretty cool.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Awakening

April is here and that means the weather outside will--and better--become more comfortable. That also means that I can actually spend some time outsides to read and write. Though I am a cold weather person, April is a favorite month of mine for other reasons besides it being my birthday month...I swear. April brings with it the best of spring weather. Sure, it may rain a lot, but on the days it doesn't, 60+ and hopefully no warmer than 75 comes day in and day out. I wrote for a bit outside today and will do so this coming weekend since it is supposed to be gorgeous. That is, unless the weather channel is pulling an April Fool's Day prank on us all. Eeek... Let's hope not.

Short entry today, but you get the picture. Now go out and enjoy the spring if it nice in your location.