Distractions = Writer's Worst Nightmare

Distractions are the death of any writer. Seriously, ask one of us how many times we check our e-mail or answer a text message when we're supposed to be writing and I'm sure most will say, "Oh, yeah, I do that." Guilty as charged myself. That is why I have to write longhand during the first draft of anything. I take my notebook, my iPod and go sit on the couch (or to the local coffeehouse) and start writing. My favorite is to go outside during the spring/summer. I can't even use my laptop because if I'm in a place that has Wi-Fi, forget it! I'll be checking my e-mail and going on Twitter/Tumblr every 10 minutes.
Though my fingers are screaming in agony after writing, longhand allows me to feel connected to the story more. It makes me really look at the sentence I just wrote. Trust me, there isn't a single page that isn't marked with cross outs or arrows pointing somewhere else. But the reason why I probably love writing longhand is that I love the feel of pen on paper. It's such an intimate sensation. Once the first draft is complete, I can start using my laptop/computer. And even though I keep my cell phone with me for time check (since I always lose track of time when I'm writing), I occasionally check my e-mail, but I've become more disciplined in that area.
So try longhand every once in a while. I guarantee you'll remember how wonderful it felt to glide the pen across the paper. And with the internet not at your fingertips, you'll be more immersed in the story rather than wondering who commented on your Facebook status or answered your Twitter question. An extra tip: Getting out of the house is also good because you'll be inspired by the world around you instead of being surrounded by the same thing day in and day out.